PD Flowmeter Ultra Oval Typ S
Flowmeter for small Flow Measurements
PD Flowmeter for Oil and Water
Portable temperature calibrator - Fluid 100
Portable liquid temperature calibrator - Fluid 200
FMS 5.0 Software
Duct CO2 Transmitter GMD110
GMP231 CARBOCAP Carbon Dioxide Probe for CO2 Incubators
GMP250- Series Carbon Dioxide Probe for %-Level or ppm-Level Measurements
GMP343 Carbon Dioxide Probe for Demanding Measurements
Portable carbon dioxide probe with pump sampling
GMW90 Series Carbon Dioxide, Temperature, and Humidity Transmitters
GMW95 Carbon Dioxide, Temperature and Humidity Transmitter
Handheld flowtherm Ex - in combination with flow sensors FA, VA, TA, Pt100 and others for applications in hazardous areas
Handheld flowtherm NT.2 - in combination with flow sensors FA, VA, TA, Pt100 and others
HMDW110 Series Humidity and Temperature Transmitters
INTERCAP Humidity and Temperature Transmitter Series HMDW80
HMK15 Humidity Calibrator
HMM100 Humidity Module for Environmental Chambers
HMM105 Digital Humidity Module
HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP110
HUMICAP Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP113
HMP155 Humidity and Temperature Probe
Humidity and Temperature probe HMP3
Relative Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP4 for High Pressures
Relative Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP5 for High Temperatures
INTERCAP Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP60
Relative Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP7 for High Humidities
Relative Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP8 for Pressurized Processes
Handheld probe for humidity and temperature