Die K-BAR 2000B nutzt die patentierte B-Series-Technologie, umGas, Geschwindigkeit und Temperatur an mehreren Stellen überdie Spanne zu messen. Mit dem schnellen Dual FD2 Metall Clad™ Sensor berechnet die K-BAR 2000B die Masse, Geschwindigkeitund Temperatur an jedem Punkt, und die Serie 155 Mass Flow-Computernutzt diese Daten, um die durchschnittliche Geschwindigkeit unddurchschnittliche Temperatur innerhalb des Prozesses zu rechnen. Esist ideal für Kanäle, welche eine weitreichendeGeschwindigkeit und Temperaturbereich haben. Temperaturbereichreicht von 260 °C bis 500 °C.
Technische Spezifikation
0 to 12,000 SFPM (56 NMPS)
± (1% of reading +20 SFPM)
1 second for velocity changes at 6,000 SFPM (constant temp)
8 seconds for temp changes at 6,000 SFPM (constant velocity)
<2% per degree angle up to ±20o
- Velocity range
- Velocity accuracy
- 0.25% reading repeatability
- Velocity time constant
- Process temperature time constant
- Velocity angle sensitivity
- Velocity‐ependent correction factors for flow rate
- Electronics operating temperature
‐40oF to 149oF (‐40oC to 65oC)
Up to 150 PSIG (10 BARg)
‐40oF to 500oF (‐40oC to 260oC) (HT)
- Process pressure rating
- Process temperature rating
- -40oF to 932oF (‐40oC to 500oC) (HHT)
12‐it resolution and accuracy
Maximum loop resistance is 300Ωat 18 VDC, 550Ωat 24 VDC, 1400Ωat 36 VDC
1 Amp per sensor, DC (21.6-26.4V)
Configurable as alarm outputs, pulsed totalizer output, or air purge cleaning
USB, RS‐85 Modbus (ASCII or RTU), or HART
200 recent events, top 20 min/max, and 56 hours (10 second samples) of trends
- Steel, 16 gauge (Type 4, IP65) polyester powder‐coated enclosure
- Two optically‐isolated loop powered 4‐20 mA outputs
- One 4‐20mA non‐isolated analog input
- Input power
- Two optically isolated solid‐state relays / alarms
- Two digital inputs dedicated to purge and zero‐mid‐span drift check
- Velocity‐dependent correction factors for flow rate
- Built‐in zero‐mid‐span drift check
- Built‐in flow totalizers and elapsed time
- User‐configurable digital filtering from 0 to 600 seconds
- Configuration/data access
- Meter memory
- 3‐year warranty